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Scuba Diving St Lucia


St Lucia has many diving options. Near the Anse Chastanet coral reef, you will find some of the most breathtaking dives. These dives can be enjoyed by anyone, even those who don’t feel confident scuba diving. They can be accessed from 10 to 25 feet, and have some of most colorful corals.

Anse Chastanet Reef

Anse Chastanet, a resort on 600 acres, has two volcanic black beaches and pristine corals. There are many water sports available, including snorkeling and scuba diving. You can either relax on the beach, or take part in guided hikes. The estate is also home to an organic farm and a chocolate laboratory.

Ansechastanet has received numerous awards, including five Best Of Readers' Choice Awards. This is an excellent site for both novice and experienced divers. The reef features wrecks, wall diving, and boat diving. Night diving is a popular activity on the Anse Chastanet.

best scuba diving in the world

Dani Koyomaru

Saint Lucia has many options for divers who are interested in diving. You can visit the smaller, but equally impressive, Rosemond's Trench, or dive in deeper waters. The site is well-known for its huge schools of tropical fish, man-sized sponges and intricate coral formations. This is also the best place to dive and see the famous Saint Lucia Reef System.

A few miles farther out from the coast is the Daini Koyomaru wreck. In 1996, this Japanese dredger was sunk. The ship is partially submerged and the superstructure holds the wreck. There are visible inscriptions in Japanese or other languages, and upturned decks can be seen.

Dani Koyomaru Dredger

The Daini Koyomaru dredged in 1996, a Japanese fishing vessel, is a fantastic wreck to dive. It measures approximately 74 meters long by 24 meters high. The dredger has been turned on its side to make it safe for novice divers. Among its resident marine life are French angelfish, garden eels, moray eels, and barracudas.

Another popular St Lucia dive spot is the 165-foot cargo vessel Lesleen M. This Japanese dredger is also a popular one. The depths at this site are not very deep, but the reef is home a lot of fascinating creatures like scorpionfish, flying grunards, and even rays.

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Soufriere Marine Management Area

Scuba diving is an amazing way to experience the beauty of coral reefs in St Lucia's Soufriere Marine Management Area. The marine management zone was created to preserve the area's pristine waters and support a healthy ecosystem. It was born out of conflict among resource users and environmental degradation. The SMMA was primarily created because of conflicts between local fishermen and scuba divers.

Since 2004, the Soufriere Pintons site has been a UNESCO World Heritage area. It is managed as a nature reserve and features some of the best diving in St Lucia. The site is home to numerous coral species and has an abundance of tropical fish. The area is known for its passage of predators and cetaceans. Divers will also be able to see the incredible marine biodiversity.


Scuba Diving St Lucia